Install Barrel Into Receiver, OEM Handguards



Shop service includes installing a barrel with a delta ring assembly into a receiver; with gas tube and gas tube pin, with regular polymer two piece handguards.

We have custom bench mounted tooling which completely immobilizes the upper from twisting.  The barrel index pin is also immobilized during this process.  No bending or twisting of upper receivers and no canted front sight bases.  This process leaves no marks on the parts.

Colt OEM moly grease is used on the barrel nut threads.  Torqued to proper specification with proper gas tube alignment using custom gages.

Customer must provide their own parts or purchase them from us.  Please contact us for instructions on shipping your parts to us.  This shop service is not for the installation of free float handguards.  We offer this as another service.

As of August 10, 2023 and until further notice, all orders are taking up to four weeks to ship. Please do not place an order if you are in a time crunch. Dismiss